This is a list of lists that were originally presented in the sidebar with RSS feeds. Some of these have ceased to function or been closed, and others (notably Yahoogroups) no longer support RSS. This list is for the moment archived here:
Lists frequented
Ling, lang, lit & literacy
- AfricanLanguages
- Multilingual_Literacy
- LgPolicy-list (No RSS feed available.)
L10n, i18n & A12n
- A12n-archives
- Unicode-Afrique
- afrophonewikis
- PAL-archives
- Hausa charsets & keyboards
- Igbo language & ICT
- Yoruba language & ICT
- Ibibio, Efik, Anaang & ICT
- Ghanaian languages & ICT
- Langues Béninoises et les NTIC
- Langues Burkinabè et les NTIC
- Langues Sénégalaises et les NTIC
- Langues Togolaises et les NTIC
- Swahili Advanced Computer Applications
- ILAT (No RSS feed available.)
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